Tangata Kōrero

Storied People

In these videos, tangata speak about their connection to the Wairarapa. Speakers discuss how they whakapapa to the area and what Wairarapa Moana and the repo (wetlands) mean for their identity. A number of these speakers are the storytellers or narrators for our other videos.

Whakapapa is a fundamental principle of Māori culture. Whakapapa establishes a person’s genealogy, giving their line of descent down from their ancestors and also linking them to whenua (land), all other living things, the earth, and sky. Stories connect whakapapa to the landscape. For more information, visit: https://teara.govt.nz/en/whakapapa-genealogy

Haami Te Whaiti
Video produced by the Our lakes’ health: past, present, future (Lakes380, https://lakes380.com/) programme as part of the Wairarapa Moana pūrākau kete (https://lakes380.com/wairarapa-moana-iwi-rohe-study/).
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